Moving on

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Pictures of my late parents' house, with trees

These are the 'before' pictures, as I have taken the plunge to have the trees removed. My late brother would never forgive me, but needs must... My reasons, they are very leggy and have outgrown themselves. The pine needles clog every drain and gutter, large branches fall whenever they want, on to cars, people, and the roofs. They need to be renewed...nature is cyclical. I suspect they were originally planted by my Great, Great Uncle Hughie, who died in 1955. 1.
The guys who I have hired to remove them have spent one long hard, rainy and murky day, armed with all sorts of machinery, hanging from ropes like circus trapeze artists, they have begun... The 'During' pix...
The time has progressed, and so has the work. The lumberjacks began on Tuesday and its now Friday, and they will return on Monday. Its been fascinating watching the techniques used and how these huge bits of wood get lowered to the ground. Yet I still feel guilty at getting the trees removed. I now have to think of what to plant in their place. The council guy that inspected said he would like more of the same put in their place. Any suggestions? The next photos are still of the 'during' time... it continues.
This was to try and give an idea of the height, but I zoomed in to see the guy a bit more clearly.
Some of the stumps are huge, they need lifting gear to even move them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I got to the house today, the sun was shining and I think all the homeless spiders had been busy trying to find a new home, now their ivy had been removed.
To be continued..


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