Now I realise that travel is in my blood
While I was doing the continual sorting and clearing, at my parents' house, I came across a 'birthday book' of my late grandmother. She was my mum's mum. She has entered a lot of the important family dates, and I am now going to have to continue it. Now that I seem to have lost most of my family, it now feels important to hang on to my roots.
But this did surprise me a little. I knew my great great uncle had been a sea captain, and that he had built the house that my parents had bought. But I knew very little of his wife, my great great Aunty Kate.
The newspaper clipping is about her, but I don't know when it was. She was 85, and she died on June 14th 1957, but as yet, I haven't found the year of her birth. I suspect that will turn up somewhere.
But she must have done her travelling at a time when people didn't travel much, with her husband, by sea. But Buenos Ayres and Antwerp... they seem an odd pair to pick, but I am pleased to have a remote family connection to Antwerp...(ok, Tropy and Wolfray?)
The other odd thing about this is 'Llanallgo', its a very tiny village just up the hill from here. I drive through it and have hardly dared to attempt to pronounce the name. To find out I have moved to a matter of yards from there, and both my great great aunt and my grandmother were members of the W. I. there... looks like I had better learn how to make jam.
Labels: kate roberts, Llanallgo
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