Moving on

Friday, January 01, 2010

How to celebrate the start of a new decade in Beaumaris

As time goes by I am starting to settle into my new way of life and I am still learning a lot about the Welsh/Anglesey culture and its ways of doing things. So once again I managed to down a few Guinnesses and maybe a few G & Ts, although the memory starts to fade about then. All this is the name of 'culture' and trying to make sure I don't offend the locals and I force myself to join in and fit in..
So the 31st December went out in a blaze of Fireworks over the castle, spectacular and I even kept perpendicular for it all.
What I find so strange is that the same blokes who were as pissed as farts, drinking into the small hours of the virgin new year, seem to find the best way for the relief of the hangover is to have a tug of war on the green. So at 1pm promptly about 15mins later, amser cymraeg, these men were all battling it out on a very muddy field and testing each others strength with a rope and then pulling an 8 tonne tractor along the sea front.

The crowds gathered...

Several attempts were made, I wasn't sure what teams were what, farmers against the lifeboat crews, I think.

Fighting talk!

Just behind me was Beaumaris Castle, note the weather, sun very bright at first, but now a cold gloom was descending. The snow was on the mountains across the Straits

Then after several goes of tugging each other they all turned on the tractor and pulled that.


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