Moving on

Sunday, September 04, 2005

never mind the bullocks

I am once again back in Wales after a week of rushing getting stuff done in Spalding. But I have returned to grass that is growing faster than ever and shrubs that want to become a jungle, so I started to mow, chop, strim and cut today and was getting rather annoyed with all the extra flies I had around when I realised that I was having some assistance...

As a single person, I have developed a certain joy of playing with boys toys. I had never realised how much fun a new strimmer could be until after the divorce. I had coped with chain saws for years, and mowed lawns, but now I even enjoy reading through the Screw Fix catalogue, no, this is not a porno mag!

I now can cut through a privet hedge without blinking with my hedge trimmers... or slice a leylandii down to a pulp. I think all these power tools are a sort of well kept secret by men, and are actually quite a lot of fun.
But can you imagine how I felt when I discovered that I had some new assistants to reduce my fuschia hedge that grows at the far end of my garden...
Very quietly, my shrubs were starting to disappear before my eyes...

I think I know where all the flies are coming from now...


  • Ah ha! cow flop... that'll do it! Pig would be much worse or chicken Pig No. 1 for odiferous chicken No. 2 as odiferous - but also to clear the sinuses

    You know you are having a bad day when - - you can't find an attorney to hire even if you are prepared to "pay through the nose..."

    By Blogger Chance, at 06/09/2005, 21:15  

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