Moving on

Thursday, September 15, 2005

No blog for a while

Thanks for keeping in touch and I hope to return to this blog soon, but I am afraid that as circumstances are declining so rapidly this is now "on hold".
The health of my father has deteriorated fast and my brother and I are now full-time carers with very little time to eat and shit, let alone chat and do blogs. Combined with the workmanship of the Welsh and a new bathroom that is now into its second week of construction and will continue for at least another week too. I am really finding that Net Addiction is a thing of the past.
I am logging on at odd times now... 6am.. a while in evenings sometimes, and I am just unable to chat. The lightheartedness has gone out of life. I am only capable of reading chatrooms, and not of joining in.
My mind is full of the next tasks, of how to find workmen in this bizarre corner of the world. While the garden erupts with shrubs that are not cut, and the paintwork flakes and wood rots before my eyes. Yet all I can do is cook meals, wash and clean house for my parents, do the everyday tasks that both my parents are unable to do themselves now that neither can walk. I spend hours waiting for nurses or occupational therapists and all sorts of medical 'help', none of which can offer a solution to the disabilities that both my parents are enduring.

Life is a bitch!
I hope to return one day...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

You know you have had a shit of a day when...

Please can you fill in the comments with your own versions, I will blog them if it helps. If you want to be anonymous, just email me and I will see if I can get around to putting them up.. But this idea just sort of hit, after the day I had just been through. So here goes... letting off steam..seeing if this is good therapy for me, I really don't care about you guys reading this..


.............. when chocolate tastes like blotting paper.

................when you realise that having a lovely house with a view, means that about 20 hectares of land can breed an awful lot of daddy-long-legs , all of which can dive bomb my window and its light. I do not invite 6 legged friends inside!!!.. and certainly not all at once!!!

.............when the people you want to see online are missing, but if they were there, you would want to see somebody else anyway.

............. when chatting would be a dead loss, cos all I would want to do is argue.

............. when you insert a new tampon but forgot to wash the hot chicken tikka off your fingers first.

.............when the most eloquent thing you have to say is "PAH!"

.............when friends try to be nice and all you want to do is bite their heads off.

.............when you realise that this is the start of a new school term, and that this should cause a smile of glee (now I am out of it), but that actually life at the chalkface was easier than this one...

............ when alcohol could be useful, but you know one drink and you would sleep for a week, and you might have to be awake early anyway...

............ when someone asks for your email address and you have forgotten it

first anonymous addition....

.... when you get in the shower, realise that the boiler has burst and there is no hotwater, and suddenly realise you enjoy being iced!

.......when you are desperate for a chat online, the phone keeps ringing and suddenly your computer wants to download new software, all 48.8MB of it and requires a restart! (bloody good job I am NOT on dial up!!)

Sunday, September 04, 2005

never mind the bullocks

I am once again back in Wales after a week of rushing getting stuff done in Spalding. But I have returned to grass that is growing faster than ever and shrubs that want to become a jungle, so I started to mow, chop, strim and cut today and was getting rather annoyed with all the extra flies I had around when I realised that I was having some assistance...

As a single person, I have developed a certain joy of playing with boys toys. I had never realised how much fun a new strimmer could be until after the divorce. I had coped with chain saws for years, and mowed lawns, but now I even enjoy reading through the Screw Fix catalogue, no, this is not a porno mag!

I now can cut through a privet hedge without blinking with my hedge trimmers... or slice a leylandii down to a pulp. I think all these power tools are a sort of well kept secret by men, and are actually quite a lot of fun.
But can you imagine how I felt when I discovered that I had some new assistants to reduce my fuschia hedge that grows at the far end of my garden...
Very quietly, my shrubs were starting to disappear before my eyes...

I think I know where all the flies are coming from now...

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